This policy covers Yeaveley Estate Ltd; Filming, photography and broadcasting may take place during events/activities
on the Estate by in house appointed personnel, under the express permission, guidance and strict editorial control of Yeaveley Estate Ltd.

All persons on the Estate give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness and voice in connection with the production, exploitation and advertising of the Estate without compensation or credit, throughout the world.

Many of these images are used for commercial purposes such as appearing on the Estate website, on social media channels and in print. If you do not wish to be included in any photographs please notify your instructor or an appropriate person from Yeaveley Estate prior to your activity or visit.

Photography and Filming Permission for visitors to the Estate.

We are occasionally asked if it’s ok for people to take pictures or film for social media. No filming of our estate in general, it’s guests or visitors or its buildings and contents or any of its staff/volunteers is granted by Yeaveley Estate Ltd. Please ensure that you do not at anytime film any children; unless they are your own children. If you wish to take pictures of your group or film your group please limit it to exactly that. Please remember that you do not have permission from other attendees/participants or visitors to the Estate when taking photos or filming.

Yeaveley Estate reserve the right to ask you to delete and or remove any images that are considered in anyway detrimental. We maintain strict editorial over anything that represents our company and it’s many aspects and do not permit general filming, it’s release, reproduction or copying of any such materials.

Thanking you in advance.